March Classic 2021

mon22marAll Daytue23March Classic 2021

Event Details

Grain Farmers of Ontario hosts the March Classic each year for between 700-1000 farmers, AG industry, AG media and government professionals.

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the 2021 March Classic will be held virtually online on March 22 and 23, 2021.  Attendees still can hear from world class speakers, visit a tradeshow of industry professionals and network with fellow farmer members. Knowing the challenges of engaging people online and keeping everyone’s interest, we are working to build a very interactive event with a number of opportunities for engaging speakers, networking online, contests and prizing, fun activities and more. Grain Farmers of Ontario is excited to try this new format and we look forward to connecting with our communities during the 2021 March Classic – Marching Ahead Together.

It’s going to be a show filled with bonuses and surprises for our members and we intend to make this year one to remember in a new and positive way!

Marching Ahead Together

There is a legacy of care, hope, and nourishment to grain farming and we bring that legacy with us into the future as farming shifts and adapts to meet modern needs.

We celebrate the new chapters grain farming is writing now and will continue to create in the future.

Our best way forward is Marching Ahead Together.

More information coming soon.

More information can be found by emailing or by calling Grain Farmers of Ontario at 1 800 265 0550 X308.



march 22 (Monday) - 23 (Tuesday) ET